Friday, 25 April 2014

#370: Granny Nan and Great-Aunt Toni

It must be admitted that I was not completely on my own with Erik while in Saskatoon.  I was sooo very lucky that my sister-in-law Toni came from Edmonton for several days.  She stayed in a nearby B and B and became a member of the Erik Appreciation Society.

And the feeling was mutual.  Erik loved Toni!  She is a natural with babies.  She has no anxiety about them whatsoever, unlike her sister-in-law.

Toni is also very patient and practical.  I would have spent much longer in the dark with a fridge full of melting food if she had not pried open the breaker box, the one that refused to budge for me after the bulb-changing fiasco.

She was also quick to figure out the stroller, and was responsible for my only successful entry into Christie's Bakery.    

And together we had some problem-solving adventures that involved her rental car and our visits to the Roxy Theatre. Who knew that a theatre so close to Jenny's would be so darned hard to find in the dark?  Toni and I are pretty sure that if we had gone to a third movie, we would have nailed the to-ing and fro-ing without cursing unreadable Saskatoon street signs (definitely smaller than in Edmonton or Guelph!), or confusing all those Avenues that go both North and South. At least we know that our brains are now much improved after the challenge of being lost.

I am counting on her to join me and Bruce in Saskatoon in July.  This time we will drive straight to the Roxy.  And the three of us will certainly be able to wrestle the stroller into Christie's!

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