Wednesday, 1 February 2012

#195: I Heart Canvassing

It is February 1st.  Heart and Stroke Month.

Wow.  That was fast.  It seems only yesterday that I agreed to canvass on behalf of this cause.

At the time I said yes I was sure that the worst aspect of the task would be the weather.  I imagined myself in my parka and big boots, wrapped in scarves and wearing mittens over fingerless gloves—the better to write out receipts to those who would give donations just because they felt sorry for the poor frozen woman on their door step.


I guess that won’t work seeing that it is well above zero and the snow has melted entirely. 

Darn.  No one will feel sorry for me now.

But wait..........It could very well rain in the next few days!

That should do it.  The miserable wet canvasser on the door-step and a compelling cause could be the winning combination I need.  And fingerless gloves clutched around my umbrella will be nice touch.

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