Thursday, 8 September 2011

#52: Togetherness

Occasionally I am thankful for something I don't do with my partner in retirement. Square dancing.  Bowling in matching his 'n her shirts.   Collecting golf balls.

While running an errand in the car today, we passed the spot where a guy sells used golf balls and Bruce recalled having seen an ad on TV for special ball-finding glasses.  The second pair, for a limited time only, was absolutely free!  I briefly imagined the two of us wearing hideous glasses trudging toward the 18th hole, lugging a bag of balls.  We agreed  that this was a retirement activity that might appeal to some, but not us.  Lord, no. 

But I'm not so certain about my husband and metal detectors.  Do they come in pairs? Should I add to the "don't do" list?

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